Fox In Line For Helen Thomas' Seat?

The Wall Street Journal has a great piece today on the jockeying for position by White House reporters who want the seat vacated by Helen Thomas in the press briefing room. At 89, Thomas retired Monday after severe criticism over comments she made about Israel.

Among the Journal items, word from CNN's Ed Henry, who heads the White House Correspondent's Association, that Fox News will likely get the Thomas seat in the front row.

“When CNN bid for the front row in 2007, Fox could have challenged it and had a knock-down, drag-out fight like the one we might have this time,” Henry told the Journal. “But they did the gentlemanly thing and said CNN had more seniority. I've got to honor that commitment.”

No decisions have been made.

The Journal also offers a great diagram of the current seating arrangement HERE. You'll note there are still no newspapers in the front row.