Fox News correspondent touts the need for “American fighter jets doing combat patrols over” Ukraine

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Citation From the February 22, 2022, edition of Fox News's Hannity

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Live on the ground Ukraine is Lucas Tomlinson. Lucas, many people have asked this question: knowing that our western European allies, knowing that NATO has so much at stake in the situation, with this long, drawn-out buildup on the border, why wasn't more weaponry brought in to help the Ukrainians defend themselves? Because I don't want one American boot on the ground, that can't happen, that won't happen. Why wasn't there more support considering Europe is more in jeopardy than the U.S.

LUCAS TOMLINSON (CORRESPONDENT): That's a good question, Sean, the officials I've spoken to would like to see American fighter jets doing combat air patrols over this country that is about the size of Texas. That might cause maybe Vladimir Putin to pause and this offensive.