Fox News host: “Message to Denmark, give us Greenland, or you're under the threat of tariffs too.”

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From the January 27, 2024, edition of Fox News' Outnumbered

KAYLEIGH MCENANY (CO-HOST): There is this Twitter feed. It's called Cynical Publius, and he laid out just methodically how things traditionally work. It's so good that the vice president just sent it out. He lays out the traditional approach in dealing with, let's say, Colombia when they won't take a migrant flight. You get a task force together. It's the Department of Defense, it's ICE, it's the Secretary of State, the State Department. That task force comes up with a position paper. That position paper is then rejected by the Secretary of State in the name of equity. Days later, the president has briefed on it. And by the way, the details are leaked to the Washington Post along the way. And then in the end, we get a worse deal with Columbia, and they take fewer migrants than what we intended, and this all happens in about a month's time.

Wait. Wait. Wait. Then Trump comes on board, and then get the art of the deal. And while he is playing golf on various holes, he is threatening Colombia with tariffs and not backing down. And by the end of his golf game, in just about an hour, the Colombian president backs down, agrees to accept all migrants. It's called the art of the deal.

And what does he do in solving this in an hour's time rather than a month's time? He sends a message to the EU. I will give you tariffs. They're coming your way unless you take our agricultural products. To Mexico, to Canada, tariffs coming your way February 1st, unless, hey, you rectify your trade imbalance.

Message to Putin, I've threatened tariffs against you because Putin, if you don't get a deal, you're next.

And message to Denmark, give us Greenland, or you're under the threat of tariffs too. Every country the world is shaking in their boots because they know that man needs business. It's the art of the deal — gone with the deep state in traditional Washington.