Fox News: Please define, “up for grabs”

This morning, Fox & Friends just gave us a lesson in wishful thinking. They led their show with a segment speculating that the U.S. Senate race in Delaware was “up for grabs,” and went to quite some length suggesting that the Republican candidate, Christine O'Donnell, had a shot at winning the seat. Fox & Friends, let me introduce you to Nate Silver, a respected statistician with an impressive track record of predicting election results. He gives your “up for grabs” seat a 100% chance that the Democrat, Chris Coons, will win--and by a wide margin. Take a look:

Five Thirty Eight screen grab

This isn't the only race in which the Fox & Friends crew has a deluded sense of the Republican's chance of winning. Recall that Fox & Friends--and the rest of Fox News--seems to think that Rep. Barney Frank is in danger of losing his seat to Sean Bielat, despite the fact that Nate Silver also gives Frank a 100% chance of retaining his seat.
