Fox reporter fearmongers that “the word that our borders are open, that catch and release will let you stay in America, has gone global”

Griff Jenkins: “We've run into migrants from Africa, from India, from Bangladesh, from Haiti, from Cuba”

From the April 30 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

GRIFF JENKINS (FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT): I'm about 25 miles north of the Guatemala-Mexico border in the town of Tapachula, it's been the stop for the caravans since they started coming. But one thing is very different and that is the word that our borders are open, that catch and release will let you stay in America, has gone global. We've run into migrants from Africa, from India, from Bangladesh, from Haiti, from Cuba. And we've only been here for about 24 hours. 


JENKINS: The challenge now is that the makeup of these caravan flows is not just the Central Americans from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, to lesser extent, Nicaragua. Now it's just a mix of people from all over the planet and this is obviously why ICE, CBP and others are putting a lot of resources, more resources, on the border we're learning to particularly combat that fake family unit. We've been talking to the immigration officials here to try and find out if they're doing anything here in Mexico to try and expose fraudulent family units as well. 


How Fox has been using racist, nativist, and anti-immigrant rhetoric to talk about border issues

Fox & Friends: Undocumented immigrants are “using these kids” to enter the United States

Fox & Friends host: Migrant caravan could bring “diseases” to the United States