A segment on Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier attacked the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by falsely claiming that a study from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that the healthcare law hurt the economy by reducing jobs. Fox correspondent Rich Edson argued that a working paper from the CBO buttressed GOP claims that the ACA would cost American jobs. The CBO study was referring to provisions of the ACA meant to end the issue of “job lock.” MSNBC's Steve Benen explained that job lock “describes a dynamic in which many Americans would like to leave their current jobs - to retire, to start a new business...but can't because they and their families need the health benefits tied to their current job. ” As Media Matters reported in 2014, the “projected change is in the supply of labor, not the demand for labor." Thus, the “job lock” provision actually gives Americans more choices, they can chose to work less or even retire earlier than expected and still be covered. From the December 8 edition of Special Report with Bret Baier:
Fox Revives Debunked Myth That Affordable Care Act Will Destroy 2 Million Jobs
Fox Correspondent Richard Edson Falsely Claims CBO Report Says ACA Will Hurt Economy
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