Fox's Ainsley Earhardt on Dayton mass shooting: “This is what happens when you have someone who doesn't fear the Lord, who doesn't fear God”
From the August 6 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends
AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): These shooters were totally different. There was -- the one in El Paso said that he thought he was "avenging the Hispanic invasion of Texas." He had a racist-filled manifesto. The guy in Ohio, he supported antifa, he supported Bernie, Elizabeth Warren. He supported Satan. And he was a socialist, so -- or supported socialism. So they're two different shooters. You cannot blame a president. It is the shooter's fault. These people were crazy. They are evil.
EARHARDT: Evil goes back to the beginning of time. There have been evil people in every single government. And this is what happens when you have someone who doesn't fear the Lord, who doesn't fear God, who doesn't -- as Mike Huckabee was saying -- who doesn't value human life.