Fox’s Andrew Napolitano Uses “Whitewater” Conspiracy To Claim Lying Is Part Of Clinton’s “Genetic Makeup”

Napolitano: “It May Actually Be In Her Genetic Make Up To Defend Her Behavior By Lying” 

From the August 1 edition of Fox News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto:

TRISH REGAN (GUEST HOST): I mean, why keep lying at this point?

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Bill Sapphire, the late, great, New York Times columnist, when she lied about Whitewater 20 years ago, called her a congenital liar. It may actually be in her genetic makeup to defend her behavior by lying. But what you just showed if it weren't serious it would be humorous because it is such a direct, profound, uncompromising contradiction of her statements. And her statements that you just ran, they were under oath. Meaning she could be prosecuted for that. But don’t take it took seriously, because the same people who would decide to prosecute her for lying are the ones who decided not prosecute her for failing to preserve state secrets. 

REGAN: It would have been perhaps against their interest to do so, because would have been a big taint on Obama's administration.


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