Fox’s Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters mock the concept of consent in sexual relationships

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From the January 17, 2025, edition of Fox News' The Five

JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): For years, I've made comments about people's personal appearances and every time I do it, I get smacked, I get smacked, I get warned. I sometimes get warned by very important people. Greg just went to town on women, liberals in the most base and disparaging way and everybody laughs because maybe he's a little more articulate or a little funnier about it. I've said the same things. I just want the record to show. 

KATIE PAVLICH (CO-HOST): Might be a context problem.

WATTERS: I also have another grievance. You just said, "How do you know something's unwanted unless you ask?" Do women want you to ask?

JEANINE PIRRO (HOST): No, don't even go there. 

PAVLICH: This is again the context.

GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): He's onto something. He's onto something. In the modern age of male-female relationships, what did the feminists and the radicals want? 

WATTERS: Consent. 

GUTFELD: Consent. You had to ask, "Do you mind if I kiss you? Do you mind if I touch your breasts?" You had to do that and so now she's saying have you ever asked for this? It's like -- completely moronic.

WATTERS: I'm glad we covered that. I'm glad we covered that.

GUTFELD: You know what? I'm glad we had this moment.

WATTERS: Let the record show the women sometimes don't want to be asked. Is that what you just concluded?