Greg Gutfeld tells federal workers “you should be thankful you are getting fired”
Gutfeld: “When you get fired, it's the best thing for you”
From the January 29, 2025, edition of Fox News' The Five
GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): We talk about how the government doesn't work, I don't think we meant that quite literally, but now we have proof. Nearly all of the federal employees didn't go back to work. We have to be honest. They gamed the COVID benefit and they gamed it on our dime. We are paying them billions to sit home and binge watch "Real Housewives" while doing their nails, and don't get me started on the women.
By the way, I've been fired three times. I've done my share of firing. That's part of life. When you get fired, it's the best thing for you, and if you're working at home and you're sad about going to work, you should be fired. You should be thankful you're being fired.
Some of these people would show up one day a month or they do two days in a row so they wouldn't have to come for two months, and then their idea of work was a Zoom call on Pan-Asian Bisexual Awareness Week, and then they say, "Oh, I am just as effective at home as I am at work." Yeah, if you measure your day drinking. Do you know how many people became alcoholics because they were stuck at home? You can see the statistics.
We know as humans when we're at home with our dog or our kids and there is no visible boss, you aren't working, you're shirking, and don't say, "Hey, oh, but they might have home issues, medical problems, sick kids, ailing grannies," join the club. It's called the world. We all go to work every day; we all have these problems, you know. We do it, so can you. And if you don't like it, there's the door.