Jeh Johnson corrects Steve Doocy's attempt to label Kamala Harris the ‘border czar'

Former Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson: “First of all ‘border czar,' the title, is a title Republicans gave her — the White House, the president, did not giver her that.”


From the July 23, 2024, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends

STEVE DOOCY (HOST): Now that Kamala Harris is, essentially, the presumptive nominee on the Democratic side, her record as border czar is going to come into — into glare — into focus a lot. Famously, she had this — she had this quip after asked about is she going to the southern border, she said this. Watch this, and then your reaction.


DOOCY: Which is kind of a crazy answer. So ‘ 

JEH JOHNSON (FORMER SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY): Well, first of all ‘border czar,' the title, is a title Republicans gave her. The White House, the president did not give her that —

DOOCY: What do you call her then? 

JOHNSON: She assumed the role that Vice President Biden had during the Obama administration, which is diplomacy with Central America. That is a role he had; he gave it to her. She is not the ‘border czar.' To the extent there is anybody who is a border czar, it's the Secretary of Homeland Security.