Laura Ingraham guest Dr. Ramin Oskoui attacks mask-wearing for slowing down “herd immunity”

Dr. Oskoui: “We want people who are generally healthy to actually contract COVID if they do naturally”


From the October 26, 2020, edition of Fox News' The Ingraham Angle

DR. RAMIN OSKOUI (GUEST): In fact, lockdowns and mandatory mask mandates are probably slowing the onset of herd immunity. We want people who are generally healthy to actually contract COVID if they do naturally. If you're under the age of 50, you have got a 99.95 chance of survival. You need herd immunity to develop and that's going to be between about 50 and 66%. Young healthy individuals get COVID, they get sick, they move on with their lives. For the vast, vast majority -- look at President Trump, he is 70-plus. He got COVID, he did beautifully. I think we've -- we need to talk about fundamental issues, vitamin D, zinc. If you're sick, quarantine. If you're fragile, you're vulnerable, again, stay safe, quarantine. But the rest of us have to get this society moving. This is a cruel experiment.