Megyn Kelly defends Givhan, says that her mother “would scold me” for sitting like Kagan Written by Media Matters Staff Published 05/26/10 2:21 PM EDT From the May 26 edition of Fox News' America Live: Video file Video Player Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not foundDownload File: to facebookShare to twitterShare to email00:0000:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Share Previously: Former NYT editor: Post's Givhan attacks “women of substance...for the bad taste of not looking like, well, her” Sen. Klobuchar slams Wash. Post report on Kagan's “leg-crossing style” Givhan Stands By Kagan Column Washington Post's leg-crossing column: Superficial and False WaPost's Givhan at it again, rips “dowdy” Kagan who “doesn't appear to ever cross her legs”