Remember, Fox News' own polling shows people don't care about presidential bowing

I just finished watching a thoroughly insipid “debate” on Fox News regarding President Obama's alleged “bow” to Chinese president Hu Jintao at the Nuclear Security Summit, during which Fox News' Bill Hemmer teed up Republican mouthpiece Terry Holt's absurd statements on how this shows Obama's weakness on terrorism and communism and such. Meanwhile, Democrat Mary Anne Marsh was left to explain how President Bush bowed to foreign leaders, and nobody cared then because there are much bigger things to worry about than the angle of the president's spine as he greets foreign dignitaries.

Not surprisingly, left unmentioned during the entire “debate” was this Fox News poll from November of last year which found that 67 percent of Americans -- and 53 percent of Republicans -- think it's “appropriate” for the president “to bow to a foreign leader.”

And yes, I realize that the poll asked if it's appropriate for the president to bow when he visits a foreign country, and this bow happened in Washington, DC. But I think this poll gives a pretty strong indication that the only people who care that the president bows to foreign leaders are hyper-partisan hacks of the Terry Holt and Fox News variety.