On Sirius XM, Media Matters' Matt Gertz discusses Tucker Carlson's descent into dangerous extremism
On Sirius XM, Media Matters' Matt Gertz discusses Tucker Carlson's descent into dangerous extremism

From the April 15, 2021, edition of Sirius XM Progress' The Michelangelo Signorile Show
MICHELANGELO SIGNORILE (HOST): In your work, studying Fox and critiquing Fox and certainly Tucker Carlson, talk a little bit about this behavior now and what is different in terms of what he’s doing, if you see something different.
MATT GERTZ (MEDIA MATTERS SENIOR FELLOW): I mean, I think he’s totally out of control and I think that the Murdochs and other executives at Fox News just have no interest in trying to rein him in at all. As you say, I mean, he’s been talking about the conspiracy theory in which Democrats or elites are trying to replace the current Americans with this invasion of Third World migrants. He's been at this for years now. He’s getting-- He’s becoming more blatant with it. This time, he was very careful to refer to replacement theory, to say that people freak out whenever you talk about this replacement theory. The reason they freak out about it when you talk about replacement theory is because that’s what was in the manifestos of several different white supremacist killers who engaged in massacres because they were worried about this supposed invasion of migrants from the southern border.