Steve Hayes: “I definitely think it's a bit much to compare this [oil spill] to Katrina”

From the April 30 edition of Fox News Channel's Special Report with Bret Baier:

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Memo to media: Timeline contradicts “Obama's Katrina” claim

Oil spill is only the latest crisis media have dubbed “Obama's Katrina”

Media absurdly claim that oil spill is “Obama's Katrina”

HAYES: The politics for the President I think in this case are terrible, because he made that announcement. I mean we, I think, talked on this show about how that didn't obligate him to move forward. It wasn't as meaningful as it was played and it wasn't as meaningful -- his announcement -- as some on the environmental left took it to be. But the fact of the matter though is he made the announcement, he came out in favor of more domestic exploration and production, including offshore. He did that and then a month later this happened. So, this is all going to be seen in that context. I think in the absence of that announcement, you would have a strikingly different tone from the president today. You'd have him talking about the consequences of 'drill, baby, drill,' that Republicans have made arguments for, for years. But I definitely think it's a bit much to compare this to Katrina and it's very unclear at this point if you go back and reread the chronology of what people knew at various times, that there was anything more the administration really could have done than it actually did.