Tucker Carlson claims Bill Gates controls “what you can and cannot do to your own body”
Carlson: “Since COVID, Bill Gates has gained extraordinary powers over what you can and cannot do to your own body. Bill Gates would like you to take the coronavirus vaccine”
From the February 22, 2021, edition of Fox News Tucker Carlson Tonight
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): The ability to work was once considered a human right, one of the most basic human rights, but then a lot of things were once considered basic human rights. Remember my body my choice? You've heard people chant that for 50 years, as recently as 2019 Kamala Harris endorsed that idea.
KAMALA HARRIS: Women have been given the responsibility to perpetuate the human species. Our bodies were created to do that and it does not give any other person the right to tell a woman what to do with that body. It is her body, it is her right, it is her decision.
CARLSON: Yeah, it's your body, it's your right, oh sorry, COVID, actually it's Bill Gates' body now. Bill Gates is not god just a big shareholder in Microsoft, but since COVID Bill Gates has gained extraordinary powers over what you can and cannot do to your own body. Bill Gates would like you to take the coronavirus vaccine.