Why didn't Fox News freak out over last week's historic heat wave?

Remember when it snowed in the winter and the Fox News crew (and the GOP Noise Machine) yukked it up and pretended that proved there was no such thing as climate change? Remember when Fox News talkers embraced the anti-reason critique and equated today's weather with tomorrow's climate? Those were fun times.

But notice this spring when a massive and historic heat wave overtook the eastern United States, suddenly Fox News didn't see any type of connection between weather and climate. Notice how Fox News had absolutely no interest in extrapolating the significance of that extreme weather pattern.

That's why if you watch Fox News you probably didn't hear much about these stories:

-August in April: Record-High Temperature Set at Central Park

-Rhode Island's record high temperature of 92 helps dry R.I. flood waters

-Temperature sets Berks record; more unusual warmth expected

-Near-record heat has region sweltering

-90 degrees at BWI matches 1929 mark

-Soaking it up on a record high

-Forecast: April heat wave still in high gear

-Burlington sets heat record for second straight day

-Columbia Sets Another Record High Temperature

-Hendersonville Sets New Record High Temperature Tuesday

-Summer temps shatter record highs in the northeast

UPDATED: From Weather.com [emphasis added]:

According to the National Climatic Data Center, over 1800 daily record highs were either tied or broken from April 1-7, mainly from the Upper Midwest to the Tennessee Valley to the Northeast. Each location has at least a 30-year period of record, by the way.