Fox News just ran a segment on public relations superpower Burson-Marsteller's receipt of federal stimulus contracts for their work on a campaign to raise public awareness of the national switch from analog to digital television. During her discussion with Douglas Schoen - who used to work with B-M head and former Clinton pollster Mark Penn -- and National Review's Rich Lowry, Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum commented that “people say” “so this is a place that needs $6 million in stimulus to save three jobs?”:
Luckily for MacCallum, there's someone within the Fox News family itself who may be able to answer her question: Fox News contributor Dana Perino, whose day job is Chief Issues Counselor for Burson-Marsteller. Perino has no trouble using her Fox News platform to defend her former boss, President Bush; surely she'd have no qualms about defending her current one.