Zero tolerance? Fox directs viewers to parody birther website

Today on Fox News' America's Newsroom, host Bill Hemmer reported on a video featuring Austan Goolsbee, the Chariman of the President's Council of Economic Advisors discussing President Obama's position on taxes:

Notice anything amiss? In the top left hand corner of the screen during the Goolsbee video, Fox displayed the website "WHITEHOUSE.ORG," presumably intending to show where the video came from. The website for the White House is of course, not .org. If viewers were tempted to check that source, they'd be treated to a single page of content -- a fake letter “from” John Boehner and a fake Congressional resolution seeking "[t]o establish an alternate executive branch while the illegal conspiracy organized by Barack Hussein Obama controls the White House," given that Obama “has not established” that he was not born in Kenya and is not a Muslim.

This is, obviously, a parody website, and no such letter or resolution exists. Fox's November 2009 memo establishing “zero tolerance” for on-air errors would seem to exist for mistakes like this. Or like mistaking a Congressman for a Senator, mistaking Congressman for a Congresswoman, showing video of Shirley Sherrod instead of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), misspelling “President's,” or mixing up Republicans and Democrats.

I must say, it's a good thing they have that zero tolerance policy. Otherwise they might leave themselves open to being mocked.