Beck declared, “I like our enemies' thinking” Bush “might just push a button,” while his guest proclaimed "[w]e need a little more Kim Jong Il in the White House"

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On the October 9 edition of his CNN Headline News program, Glenn Beck said that President Bush is a “cowboy” who has “kind of a nervous twitch to him. And I like our enemies' thinking, 'That guy might just push a button.' ” Beck's guest, radio host Dave Glover, added: “We need a little more Kim Jong Il in the White House. We really do. Keep people wondering.” Beck replied: “I don't want Kim Jong Il, because I'd like someone that we all are in on it, you know, he's not nuts.”

From the October 9 edition of CNN Headline News' Glenn Beck:

BECK: What do you think of Kim Jong Il? That guy's nuts, isn't he?

GLOVER: You know, it really doesn't matter whether he's legitimately insane or it's just an act -- it's the right way to go. When -- when I was a divorce attorney, we had a saying: Crazy always wins. And I think -- I think he's legitimately crazy, but if I were a dictator, I would wear nothing but a pith helmet and a French tickler, and I would corner the market on Don Knotts memorabilia.

BECK: Now, hang on just a second. Which -- I think he's done all of those things.

GLOVER: Yeah, and so have I.

BECK: You know, the thing -- you bring up an interesting point. I said when George Bush -- they say, you know, he's a cowboy, and he's got kind of a -- he's got kind of that nervous twitch to him. And I like our enemies' thinking, “That guy might just push a button.”

GLOVER: We need a little more Kim Jong Il in the White House. We really do. Keep people wondering.

BECK: We do. I don't want -- I don't want Kim Jong Il, because I'd like someone that we all are in on it, you know, he's not nuts. But this guy really is crazy.