Beck on having to warn his audience against violence: “Isn't that what Martin Luther King did?” Written by Media Matters Staff Published 07/28/10 8:31 PM EDT From the July 28 Insider Extreme podcast “Fundamental Transformation”: Video file Previously: Mixed message: Beck spews violent rhetoric, but tells audience to reject violence Why does Glenn Beck have to tell his audience to “reject violence”? Beck's incendiary angst is dangerously close to having a body count Beck implores his audience to “reject violence every step of the way” Beck: African-Americans “don't own Martin Luther King” Beck says it's just Black Panthers and “usual suspects” who are taking his 8/28 rally as an affront to MLK's legacy Beck says it's “divine providence” 8-28 rally is on same day as MLK speech, adds: “It's time we picked that dream back up”