Beck says “politicians” will “sell you and your children into slavery” Written by Media Matters Staff Published 10/22/09 5:50 PM EDT From the October 22 edition of Fox News' Glenn Beck: Video file Video Player Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not foundDownload File: to facebookShare to twitterShare to email00:0000:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Share Presumably: Beck: “The government's irresponsible spending is turning us into slaves” Tax deduction change latest Obama proposal Beck claims “involves enslaving people” King didn't challenge Rep. Price's false claim that Obama's proposed budget eliminates deductions for donations to charity Beck: “You know what this president is doing right now? He is addicting this country to heroin-the heroin that is government slavery.” Beck again compares recovery bill to slavery Beck says of stimulus package: “It is slavery”