Climate Activist Responds To Beck Attack: “I Didn't Know ... That Indeed I Was A Communist”

On the February 24 edition of his Fox News show, Glenn Beck listed 10 organizations that he claimed were both communist and sponsoring the Rally to Save the American Dream. One of these groups was, which advocates for solutions to climate change. One of its co-founders, Bill McKibben, responded in a Washington Post op-ed to be published in tomorrow's edition:

My life as a communist actually began without me knowing it, on Friday(sic) evening, when Glenn Beck spent his program explaining about a “communistic” conspiracy that included 10 groups in America. One was, a global campaign to fight climate change that I helped found three years ago. He even put our logo up on his whiteboard - and next to it a hammer and sickle.

Since I don't actually watch Mr. Beck, I didn't know about it until e-mails began to arrive, informing me that indeed I was a communist. My first reaction was: I'm not a communist. I'm a Methodist.

But then I reconsidered. What exactly was I doing when those e-mails arrived? I was downloading an iPad app, At Bat 11, which lets me (for only $14.99) hear the broadcast of any baseball game anywhere in the country. Since I live in New England, I use it to track our beloved Boston squad, whose moniker I had never before deeply contemplated. Now - well, enough said.

And the next morning, on my first full day as a communist? I spent most of it outdoors, at the annual New England festival for young cross-country ski racers. More than 500 kids from across the region were competing, and I was standing on the toughest hill cheering. And here's the thing - at least with the first- and second-graders, I was cheering for everyone equally. Not only that, but did you know where this particular type of skiing was invented? Norway.