An Example of Glenn Beck's Bizarre Behavior

Glenn Beck on Monday offered what might be the five-and-a-half most bizarre minutes on cable television news.

First, he took up the issue of BP denying access to many media outlets and their reporters, claiming such restrictions are not being reported.

He then went on to cite examples of The New York Times and other outlets reporting on such limitations. What?

If Beck wants to see coverage of these media restrictions, just see the nearly 300 examples found in a Google News search today. I have also linked to several examples of such coverage of the BP media blockade myself.

The Fox News host then claimed Obama would not sit down with BP CEO Tony Hayward, offering a clip from June 7 of the president explaining why he had not met with Hayward at that time. Beck failed to note that Obama not only met with Hayward soon after on June 16, but succeeded in getting him to agree to have BP provide a $20 billion fund for clean-up costs.

Finally, Beck cited Attorney General Eric Holder announcing an investigation of the gulf oil leak and seems to find fault with this. Wait, wasn't Beck just criticizing BP for barring media coverage? Now he is criticizing the federal government for investigating BP?

Does he support BP or oppose them? More importantly, does he know how to offer a clear train of thought, not to mention a train of correct facts?

See the strangeness below: