On his show Tuesday, Beck created a conflict that seems to exist in his own mind, between those who were fans of the Apollo moon landing and those who went to Woodstock later in the summer of 1969. Apparently Beck doesn't think it's possible that there's an overlap between Neil Armstrong fans and Jimi Hendrix fans, though common sense would indicate that Woodstock wasn't a protest against the moon landing.
For many months now Glenn Beck has attacked government spending. He has advocated for a smaller government, echoing other conservatives in lamenting even basic spending by the government.
Until now, it seems.
What Beck is siding with happens to be what was a large, multi-billion dollar government program. The Apollo project cost about $25 billion in the '60s (around $186 billion in modern dollars). That's the sort of large government investment that Beck generally spends a lot of chalk attacking and wrapping up in the conspiracy du jour. It's possible Beck has carved out an exception for what was (and is) considered one of the seminal achievements of mankind, let alone America. But it is just as likely based on his track record of being incorrect on issue after issue that Beck just doesn't know that the Apollo program was a government expenditure.
Just one more small step towards inconsistency for Beck.