Glenn Beck Took His “Fear Chamber” With Him When He Left Fox

Glenn Beck may no longer be projecting from his "Fear Chamber," but that hasn't stopped him from continuing to spread fear on his morning radio show. Over the past few weeks, Beck has asserted that President Obama plans to "target" anyone he doesn't like and “destroy them”; he has described as the “Weimar option” the Federal Reserve's decision to “start printing money”; he has beseeched his listeners to buy gold because “the world is melting down”; and he has warned that the Israel-Gaza border “is our future on our border.” All told, these are the same incredible theories of violence, chaos, and economic Armageddon Beck spewed daily on Fox for more than two years.

But the breadth of calamity Beck introduced in his Thursday show proved to be alarming. When he wasn't telling listeners about what the Obama administration and progressives were willing to do to get what they wanted, like “stab you in the back or shoot you in the face,” Beck was describing an upcoming reality in which a realized caliphate was the least of our problems. He conjured images of an ancient and great and powerful evil, and related a world in which an independent media had been overtaken by a government so tyrannical it would eventually take everything from us as well.

To make his point, Beck related a story from a friend who he said claimed that Jews were moving out of France “so fast” that it was as if this were pre-World War I 1939. Beck used that anecdote to illustrate, yet again, that the storm he's been predicting for two years is indeed coming. He then told listeners: “I need you to load your spiritual Howitzer. I need you to load that. I need you to stand together and pay attention, and stand with a friend and hold on to the handrails. Hold on to the rod, 'cause a storm is coming. A storm is coming.”

It wouldn't be a surprise if Beck turned out to have set some kind of record for letting loose with violent and apocalyptic rhetoric in one single show.

He began the program with a warning about “our communist enemies here in the United States” and how a “plan” by the Obama administration will allow countries like China to “occupy” U.S. territory. From there, he stressed that “we have to have” a balanced budget amendment “or we don't survive.” “We will be in a global war,” he continued, or have “massive inflation ... if you don't balance the budget now.” He told listeners to call their senators and tell them to balance the budget or they would be “passing one of the last exists on this road.”

He also attacked the Obama administration for proposing to limit charitable deductions for high earners, claiming that to get the proposal through, “these people will ... stab you in the back or shoot you in the face to get it done.” He also stated: “You have got to handcuff this government. You must handcuff this government. We're losing the opportunity to do it. If we don't handcuff them, trust me, they will handcuff you.” And at one point, addressing the media, Beck stated:

BECK: Media, you better wake up, because the more this government grows, the more power they are going to take from you. You may be on the winning side now, but we're all on the losing side in the end: freedom of speech; freedom of expression; and freedom of the press.

He ended the show by fearmongering about Muslims (though he said he has no problem with Islam), and reiterating his belief that Israel is central to this supposed fight against “ancient evil.”

The show proved to be too much for one listener, however. When she called to ask why Beck was “scaring” her “to death,” he apologized but added: “You wake somebody up. You give this information.”