Why did Forbes ignore the historic Beck ad boycott?

Seems like a rather glaring admission for an article in a business magazine about Glenn Beck's media finances.

Forbes does a thorough job detailing how extraordinarily wealthy Beck has become with his Obama-is-a-racist-fascist-communist-socialist shtick. (it'a good for $32 million annually.) He's raking it in on his radio show, his book publishing deal, and his personal appearances.

But what about Fox News? It is posting huge profits via Beck? Is the cabler cashing in on Beck's big cable ratings? Or is Fox News the odd man out of the Beck money machine because so many advertisers (more than 200 at last count) refuse to be associated with Beck's hate speech?

As far as I can tell, we've never witnessed a sweeping ad boycott like the one that surrounds Beck's show on Fox News. In the past, if activists had been able to convince 20 advertisers to stay away from a hit show that would have qualified as an astounding grassroots success. But more than 200, mostly blue chip advertisers? It's unprecedented.

Seems that Forbes should have addressed the crucial issue in detail.