Newsmax's Greg Kelly: “I hate that there's a fire. But the silver lining is that, well, Gavin Newsom ain't ever going to be president”

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From the January 13, 2025, edition of Newsmax's Greg Kelly Report

GREG KELLY (HOST)L: Seven days until world class talent is back at the helm of the United States of America. And by world class talent, I mean people who have achieved magnificent, world changing things that have nothing to do with politics. President Trump, Vance, the rest of the team — they knew a life outside of politics, unlike the people with no skill, no clue. Right now they are failing and we can all see it. And it's kind of coming at a perfect time, you know what I mean? They're being exposed. I hate that there's a fire. But the silver lining is that, well, Gavin Newsom ain't ever going to be president, OK? And that was kind of a — that was a possibility there. Look. Watch the guy. I've taken a good hard look at him. He's not the governor. He's a tourist. You can see it every step of the way. This is not a leader. This is a guy looking for a microphone and a photo op. That's all he knows about government. He doesn't know how to govern.