The Hill A political newspaper that’s been published in Washington, D.C., since 1994. Featured The Hill can’t stop advancing Trump’s lies about the whistleblower Article 11/05/19 11:04 AM EST The Hill can’t stop spreading misinformation about Trump’s impeachment Article 12/20/19 8:37 AM EST The Hill is a dumping ground for anti-net neutrality pieces backed by undisclosed telecom money Article 05/31/17 11:13 AM EDT The Latest The Hill portrays Obama as gaffe-prone, despite (sort of) admitting he isn't Article 03/30/09 1:03 PM EDT The Hill repeats baseless claim that small businesses will have to provide health insurance under Obama Article 03/17/09 2:28 PM EDT The Hill ignored Grassley's support for health reform this year when reporting his concern that Obama is “biting off too much” Article 03/12/09 6:16 PM EDT The Hill uncritically repeated NRCC's mouse falsehood Article 02/23/09 6:05 PM EST The Hill, UPI uncritically reported false GOP claim that Dems steered recovery money to ACORN Article 02/21/09 5:23 PM EST The Hill, off-center Article 02/18/09 10:59 AM EST The Hill fumbled Jesse Jackson Jr.'s “racialized” comment Article 01/08/09 11:28 AM EST The Hill asserted some “surprise[d]” “liberals” did not resist Obama's “sudden turn to tax cuts,” ignored his campaign pledge to cut taxes Article 01/06/09 1:38 PM EST The Hill peddles Bob Casey convention myth Article 01/06/09 9:20 AM EST The Hill again ignored McCain's reversal on immigration legislation Article 09/23/08 2:00 PM EDT Hill article failed to note that McCain “buckle[d] under pressure to abandon” his position on immigration Article 06/12/08 4:03 PM EDT The Hill cropped Obama's quote on Israeli-Palestinian conflict Article 06/11/08 7:06 PM EDT Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Current page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Next page Next ›
The Hill is a dumping ground for anti-net neutrality pieces backed by undisclosed telecom money Article 05/31/17 11:13 AM EDT
The Hill portrays Obama as gaffe-prone, despite (sort of) admitting he isn't Article 03/30/09 1:03 PM EDT
The Hill repeats baseless claim that small businesses will have to provide health insurance under Obama Article 03/17/09 2:28 PM EDT
The Hill ignored Grassley's support for health reform this year when reporting his concern that Obama is “biting off too much” Article 03/12/09 6:16 PM EDT
The Hill, UPI uncritically reported false GOP claim that Dems steered recovery money to ACORN Article 02/21/09 5:23 PM EST
The Hill asserted some “surprise[d]” “liberals” did not resist Obama's “sudden turn to tax cuts,” ignored his campaign pledge to cut taxes Article 01/06/09 1:38 PM EST
Hill article failed to note that McCain “buckle[d] under pressure to abandon” his position on immigration Article 06/12/08 4:03 PM EDT