Alex Jones claims Democrats are going to start a race war and says he has discussed it with JD Vance

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Citation From the October 22, 2024, edition of Infowars' The Alex Jones Show

ALEX JONES (HOST): So, if you remember, they're targeting low-information voters, so if you're informed, you go that doesn't even make any sense. But they're targeting people that are super stupid. But that's still not a majority of people, so it's not working. But it's the only play they've got. So they're gonna launch the triggers for civil unrest. They're gonna bill it as race war.

I've literally probably said that a thousand times the last four years, and now they're everywhere saying Trump's coming with the military to attack the people, particularly Black men, and that he's going to cause a civil war, and then you actually see Raskin on C-SPAN talking to their operatives — and he's one of their top strategists — saying, "Oh, we're not gonna accept his election. We're not gonna certify them. And we're gonna create civil war conditions."

And then today, you've got — Carville puts up on "Dem strategist Carville advocates armed revolution. If Trump wins, claims males of color will be arrested by MAGA."

And they're just waiting for a white cop to be in a questionable shooting. Like, they said a white cop killed that Black woman in Virginia last month, then they released the surveillance, the body cam, and it was a Asian veteran police officer with a great record. There's a well check. Her neighbors are worried about her. Hadn't been out of the house in days, acting crazy, all these weird noises.

He knocks on the door. She starts stabbing him with a butcher knife. He doesn't even shoot her right away. He runs and she just like, she's, like, 6, you know, 3, former basketball star chasing him down. He finally kills her, and the Democrats put out the reports, oh, white man shot an unarmed Black woman. Then they release the footage.

They're just looking for something like that, and then antifa leads some paid Black folks to burn some things down. That's how it happens. We got the documents. Came out decade ago where antifa was out literally paying and leading the Black people to blame them, set them up, and then, oh my gosh, some right-winger truck bombs a Black college or some other big Black gathering. And then, the Democrats operate their sleeper cells, they burned down large swaths of the country, they blame Trump while the election is being battled over starting in 13 days, and they're now officially saying — now notice they weren't officially saying three years ago or two years ago or a year ago — Trump's gonna use the military on us and have martial law and he's gonna kill the Black people. And we need a race war.

But I saw all the preprogramming up to the final piece, and I said, when they do that final piece, you know they're going with that play. I'm like a football coach that's already studied the other team, had my scouts watching their games — wink, wink — had some people on the inside give us their playbook. They all do it. And then I'm sitting there on the sideline, and I see the formation, and then I start shouting orders out, change your formation. It's going.

But I don't even need to say change the formation. I told you, OK, this is the play, they're doing it. I see the formation again, they're running the same play again, and they're running the same play. This — we have them, and then I've got Roger. Love Roger to death. In fact, get his ass on. So I know he talks to Trump every day. And I told him six times — was it Friday? I said, "Hey. Can we get back to the martial law race war plan? Yeah. I think that's really a big threat. We should" — and then he goes off into, you know, some side issue. And I'd say, "Hey. Can you go" — He goes, "I got you. I got your message." "Did you get my message? Did you get my message? Because I know what I'm talking about." And I know the Trump people are smart.

Politicos are like, it sounds crazy to say the Democrats are planning a race war and planning is to say that Trump's gonna have troops kill people. They're saying it. Kamala's saying it. It's all over the news. Are we ready for a new civil war?

All these movies produced and, you know, the new Joker movie about it. It's all preprogrammed. It's going down. And I said last week, I said, I would imagine by next week, you'll hear them saying that Trump's gonna kill all the Black people, we need a armed uprising. I mean, I could just read their minds at this point.

But it's not that. We've have like a 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, and we're down with the last five pieces. You know what the pieces are at the end. America at a crossroads, another civil war possible because the globalists have lost the war for the hearts and minds. All they can do is blow up the chessboard now.

I'll use the analogy of the first Terminator. James Cameron, great classic, 1980s. Skynet's already lost in the future. The human resistance has blown up their main system. All they could do is send a Terminator back in time to kill John Connor before he's born. We're at that point.

We have won unless they start a nuclear war, a giant cyber attack, knock out the power. The FBI already put out memos a year ago, oh, the MAGA people with the Russians are gonna knock the power out during the election. And now they're out saying, "Oh, cyberattacks, power outages for sure on the election." Today. I'll show you the memos.


So it's just insane. And I'm not singling Roger — I love him to death. He's super smart. It's just that I berate him about this on air. I berate him about this off-air. I can get on the phone and call the head of the Trump campaign, which I've talked to folks, and I'm like, "Hey. They're gonna" — "Yeah. We know. We see that. That's important." I told JD Vance. I said, "You know they're gonna try to trigger a race war. That's their plan." "Yeah. Yeah. I see a lot of them, you know, hyping that." "Yeah."

But see, because it's so crazy, people tend to think, well, they aren't gonna actually try that. Uh, yeah they are. They got it all set up, and it's been their ace card the whole time getting fired up and ready with Obama. The Justice Department hyping up Trayvon Martin and all that, then George Floyd and all the rest of it.

That's what's going on here.