Fox's Newt Gingrich warns that civilization will end if migrant caravan is allowed to cross the border

Gingrich: “You can't have thousands and thousands and thousands of people decide to break the law and have any expectation that civilization is going to withstand it.”

From the October 19 edition of Fox News' The Ingraham Angle:

NEWT GINGRICH (FOX NEWS POLITICAL CONTRIBUTOR): This is an invasion. This is an act of attacking the United States' sovereignty. 


This is going to be a crisis, you can't have thousands and thousands and thousands of people decide to break the law and have any expectation that civilization is going to withstand it.


NRATV correspondent: Migrant caravan is “an invasion under the guise of migration”

Fox News wanted to exploit a caravan of migrants as a midterm election issue, so that's what Trump is doing

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