Ingraham Criticizes Hillary Clinton's “Painful” Voice During NY Primary Victory Speech

Laura Ingraham: Clinton “Was In Full Magpie Mode Last Night. That Was Just Painful”

From the April 20 edition of Courtside Entertainment Group's The Laura Ingraham Show: 

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): [Hillary Clinton] was in full magpie mode last night. That was just painful. See I was sitting, waiting to go on Fox News. I kept texting Drew going, OK, when is this going to stop playing in my headphones because I had the earpiece in so I had to hear it in one ear. And if you think it's hard to hear Hillary in just when you're just watching television, when Hillary's going right into your ear canal, that really is painful. 


Right-Wing Media's Sexist Obsession With Clinton's Voice Following Her Primary Victory Speech

Media Personalities Ridicule The Volume Of Hillary Clinton's Voice During Iowa Caucus Victory Speech

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