From the January 26 edition of Courtside Entertainment Group's The Laura Ingraham Show:
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LAURA INGRAHAM: Is your son closer to Rubio in policy or Trump in policy?
RAFAEL CRUZ: I really do not want to get involved in making comparisons. The American people need to make their own judgment upon -- based upon who reflects the values that they believe.
INGRAHAM: Well, I think he's closer to Trump than he is to Rubio. I have this idealistic vision, Pastor Cruz, that Trump and Ted would work together. Until the establishment was truly killed off, that they'd work together, and so neither one would attack one another and it would be detente until -- it would be like China and the United States working together in the '70s until the Soviet Union collapsed. And I'm not saying who's the Soviet Union and who's the United States in that comparison but I wanted them both to work together but no one listens to me. I wanted the establishment to be killed off.