Laura Ingraham's Obama Diaries: Lazy Right-Wing Fiction

It is not a surprise that another right-wing commentator would continue the tradition of making things up about President Barack Obama. But Laura Ingraham has taken it a step further, writing a whole book under the guise of it being a parody of an Obama diary.

The book, The Obama Diaries (Threshold, 2010), hit bookstores Tuesday and purports to be an attempt at humor by Ingraham by just making up what she thinks Obama might write in a diary if he sought to make himself look foolish.

Part of the storyline is that Ingraham supposedly “found” the diaries left on her car in the parking garage of the Watergate office complex, a snide reference to Bob Woodward and his “Deep Throat” connections of the 1970s. But Woodward actually did some reporting and broke real stories; he did not write a fake diary of Nixon.

Moreover, Woodward is doing his own Obama book, due out in the fall, which will likely contain real facts.

Huffington Post posted some excerpts from Ingraham's book online. Among them:

Honestly, I think we've done all we can for the Gulf Coast. On my way out of town I even stopped by the Pink Pelican Ice Cream Bar to enjoy a luscious treat called the “Chocolate Hurricane.” (I have to remember to e-mail Ray Nagin about that one.) After my visit, there will be lines around that ice cream joint for decades--and who knows, by then they might have even capped that oil spill. But in the meantime, they might want to consider renaming the place the “Brown Pelican Ice Cream Bar.” And to think, earlier today, I told the NAACP that, “Dessert is not a right.” I stand by that. It's not a right. When I'm working this hard, it's a necessity! LOL!

With so much real news about Obama to be reported, it is sad that Ingraham feels the need to be lazy and make things up that are neither entertaining or informative.