Albany Times-Union In Awkward Sunshine Spot

The Albany (N.Y.) Times-Union, which like other newspapers is usually urging the disclosure of newsworthy documents, might well want some kept secret.

This involves media requests for access to private e-mails between two aides to New York Gov. David Patterson and two Times-Union reporters.

“The e-mails, which were sent from and received by the state government accounts of former Paterson communications director Peter Kaufman and press secretary Marissa Shorenstein, clearly fall under the provisions of the state's freedom-of-information law,” reports Yahoo News. “But the editor in chief of the Times-Union, Rex Smith, tells Yahoo! News that Hearst is considering whether to go to court and try to block their release, under the theory that the reporters' confidential sources might be revealed.”

It would seem the paper must live by the same rules it asks for when it's on the other side of the public access laws.