Boyles to Anderson: “I love you with my heart”

After a rant in which Peter Boyles' guest Terry Anderson disparaged Hispanics, blacks, and liberals as “blatant racists,” “rotten racists,” and “pinko idiot white folks,” Boyles declared, “I love you ... Merry Christmas.”

On December 20, following a rant by frequent guest Terry Anderson in which he disparaged Hispanics, blacks, and liberals, 630 KHOW-AM host Peter Boyles told Anderson, “I love you with my heart. Merry Christmas.”

Anderson -- whose Los Angeles-based KRLA talk show airs for one hour on Sunday evenings -- called members of the Congressional Hispanic and Black caucuses “blatant racists” and made references to “racist ... blacks” and “liberal pinko idiot white folks” while disparaging Congress as “just a ... mad conglomeration of stupid people.”

From the December 20 broadcast of 630 KHOW-AM's The Peter Boyles Show:

ANDERSON: Then you've got the Hispanic Caucus, and their followers. They're just a bunch of blatant racists who want their people to advance over everybody else. Then you've got the Black Caucus, who are, again, a group of blatant, rotten racists who hate whitey so much that they will go against anything that they perceive to help whitey and will go with the illegal-alien invasion because they think that's going to give them power, when in reality, when the numbers get high enough they're going to tell these black people, you know, take your sorry butt back to Africa. Because they're gonna have no need for us. But it's these levels of thought -- you got the racist whi -- blacks, you got the racist Hispanics, and then you got these liberal pinko idiot white folks out here who think they gotta put their arms around everybody to show that they're not racist. It's just a, a -- a mad conglomeration of stupid people.

BOYLES: I love you with my heart. Merry Christmas.

As Colorado Media Matters has noted, Anderson has made racially insensitive comments on more than one occasion as a guest on Boyles' show. During an October 16 appearance, Anderson blamed Hispanic students for starting riots “almost on a weekly basis” in Los Angeles high schools. Furthermore, during Boyles' October 25 broadcast, after saying, “this will give you some controversy,” Anderson referred to illegal immigrants as “the chosen people” and “the Israelites of the new millennium.” He added, “These people can do anything and get away with it.”