Boyles: “I don't think that there's friendly Muslim nations out there by any stretch of the imagination”

While discussing the Iraq war with a caller during the November 9 broadcast of his 630 KHOW-AM radio show, host Peter Boyles stated, “I don't think that there's friendly Muslim nations out there by any stretch of the imagination.”

From the November 9 broadcast of 630 KHOW-AM's The Peter Boyles Show:

BOYLES: The mindsets of those young men of that period, 1940 to 1947-48 -- it's just like these fellows today.

CALLER: Sure it is --

BOYLES: They're not any different.


BOYLES: The problem is, in terms of leadership, and the problem is in terms of what is the aim of what the United States of America is, is, is launched on. And I come back to that because, historians tell you again and again and again: A war must have an aim. If the war, if the war has no aim -- and that's really what happened in Southeast Asia.

CALLER: But they're mostly talking about, you know, the friendly Muslim nations --


CALLER: -- that have been hijacked.

BOYLES: I don't think that there's friendly Muslim nations out there by any stretch of the imagination, but unless you're going to do what Winston Churchill, and Joe Stalin, and FDR, and to a small degree Charles de Gaulle agreed on, that you will have unconditional surrender --

CALLER: Yes --

BOYLES: -- of these three Axis nations -- the Italians, the Germans, and the Japanese, and I mean beat them down so badly that they never --

CALLER: So who are you going to do that to now --

BOYLES: Yeah, that's my point --

CALLER: -- Iran and Syria?

BOYLES: That's my point. So, unless you are -- nobody's going to do that. And this idea, that, you know, if you read, if you ever read any of Halberstam's stuff, like The Best and the Brightest and The Making of a Quagmire, any of those books --

CALLER: Right.