Coloradoan reported voters support Musgrave because she is “a Christian” but omitted that Paccione also is a Christian

An article in the Fort Collins Coloradoan quoted two voters in Brush who said they planned to vote for Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Fort Morgan) because she is “a Christian.” But the Coloradoan failed to note that Musgrave's Democratic opponent, Angie Paccione, “describes herself as a 'born-again, spirit-filled evangelical Christian.' ”

An October 29 article by Fort Collins Coloradoan reporter Kevin Darst quoted two voters in the town of Brush who said they were planning to vote for Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Fort Morgan) in part because Musgrave is “a Christian.” However, the Coloradoan failed to note that Musgrave's Democratic opponent, Angie Paccione, also is a Christian. As the Rocky Mountain News reported October 27, Paccione “describes herself as a 'born-again, spirit-filled evangelical Christian.' ”

From Darst's October 29 Fort Collins Coloradoan article, “How the 4th CD race is playing in the heartland”:

Edison Street drivers in Brush have a hard time missing Jan Bjelland's yard. It's lined with blue and red signs for Republican candidates, including Musgrave.

She likes that Musgrave has “shepherded some things that protect the family,” specifically the Federal Marriage Amendment that would define marriage as between a man and a woman.

“She's a Christian and, for me, that's important,” said Bjelland, 65.

Musgrave, the two-term Republican representative of the 4th Congressional District, grew up just down the road from Brush, in Fort Morgan, and is well-known in Morgan County. She won 58 percent of the vote in the county in 2002 and 56 percent in 2004.

Rowena Eicher didn't know who Musgrave's opponents are and didn't care. She'll vote Musgrave next month.

“She hasn't forgotten the small town she came from,” said Eicher, a 42-year-old coffee slinger at The Gathering Place in Brush. "Also, she's very much a Christian woman. I think she's done a wonderful job."