Sharing a “thought” from “an emailer” on his April 26 broadcast, Newsradio 850 KOA host Mike Rosen read a comment that Cho Seung-Hui -- who killed 32 people and himself in the April 16 massacre at Virginia Tech -- “shared some of the hateful views that many on the left have.” Rosen added, “You'll remember Cho talked about how much he hated capitalism, and he hated the rich. All right, this is left-wing dogma. Michael Moore might have said the same thing.”
Rosen's comments about Cho's so-called “left-wing dogma” echoed comments made by nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh, who said on his April 19 broadcast that the Virginia Tech shooter “had to be a liberal,” as Media Matters for America noted. Similar to Rosen, Limbaugh had added, “You start railing against the rich, and all this other -- this guy's a liberal. He was turned into a liberal somewhere along the line. So it's a liberal that committed this act.”
Media Matters also noted that on his April 23 broadcast, Limbaugh claimed that he “was making a joke” when he said Cho “had to be a liberal” and further claimed that he had made the comments about Cho “as a means of illustrating on this show how the words of conservative talk show hosts are twisted and taken out of context.” Limbaugh added, “And sure enough, Media Matters fell for it hook, line, and sinker. They had it up all over the place.” But later in the April 23 show Limbaugh repeated his comments about Cho, stating, “I do believe that it was liberalism that got a hold of this guy and made him hate things, professors and this sort of thing.”
From the April 26 broadcast of Newsradio 850 KOA's The Mike Rosen Show:
ROSEN: Here's another thought; this was from an emailer the other day: “The Virginia Tech shooter shared some of the hateful views that many on the left have.” You'll remember Cho talked about how much he hated capitalism, and he hated the rich. All right, this is left-wing dogma. Michael Moore might have said the same thing. But keep this in mind, if Cho -- the, the killer, the man who slaughtered those people at Virginia Tech -- if he happened to be a far-right nut, if he had espoused right-wing viewpoints, do you suppose the liberal media would have gone on and on about AM -- how AM talk radio was to blame? Hate radio, yada, yada, yada -- the template? You bet they would have.