Depends on what the meaning of “confirmed” is. Or, behold conservative journalism

Still milling around the Journolist and assembling their fantasy lineup of scribes and academics who were, reportedly, part of the oh-so-mysterious and powerful liberal cabal, righties obviously have way too much time on their hands. Or maybe filling out Journolist is just more fun that looking for Obama's birth certificate.

Either way, I already mocked this effort to conjure up a the lineup at Journolist, which was an off-the-record email exchange until Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller published the private correspondences. And now there's this “confirmed” effort over at the always reliable Free Republic forum to flesh out the members of Journolist. (The lineup is being re-posted on equally reliable blogs, like American Thinker.)

But oops, the list isn't accurate.

How do I know? Because Free Republic lists me as Journolist member (complete with head shot!), and I was never on Journolist. So I'm sure curious to know how Free Republic “confirmed” my membership in a club I did not belong to.

Keep in mind, the Free Republic lists include approximately 150 names and after ten seconds of looking at it I knew it was inaccurate. (I'm the 20th person listed.) Since then I haven't bothered to contact any other people on the Free Republic list. But would I be surprised if ten or twenty percent of the list were fabricated? i would not, after all we're dealing with “conservative journalism.”

UPDATED: OMG, it just dawned on me -- did Free Republic takes seriously this dopey, right-wing parody of a Journolist discussion forum, and is that how Free Republic “confirmed” my membership? Oh, that would be priceless.