In discussion of Indiana sniper attacks, “Gunny” Bob stated: “Dearborn has the largest Lebanese-American population in the country. And fortunately ... our FBI is working very hard in Dearborn, if you get my drift”

On the July 24 broadcast of Newsradio 850 KOA's The Gunny Bob Show, a caller suggested that law-enforcement authorities should “go to Dearborn,” Michigan, because of the July 24 sniper attacks in Indiana. Host “Gunny” Bob Newman replied: “Yeah, Dearborn has the largest Lebanese-American population in the country. And fortunately ... our FBI is working very hard in Dearborn, if you get my drift.”

The Indianapolis Star reported on July 25 that police had arrested Zachariah Blanton, a teenager from Delaware County, Indiana, as a suspect in the case.

From the July 24 broadcast of KOA's The Gunny Bob Show, in which Newman and the caller began by discussing President Bush's Middle Eastern diplomacy:

CALLER: I've been listening to you, and I think that my take on this whole deal is that the president wants to make sure he has tried every avenue because he's gonna have a whole bunch of people on the left saying, “You should have did this, you should have done that,” OK?

NEWMAN: Right. Yup.

CALLER: So he's trying every avenue before he dumps on them, because he is not -- and I'll stand behind President Bush a hundred percent -- he will go after these guys. He is just giving them a little rope and saying, “Here you go, take it,” and he knows they're not gonna. But he is gonna go after 'em as soon as they say “no, no, no.” He knows we're going to have to --

NEWMAN: Well, OK, they've already said “no” once. They said “no” when the Egyptians brought them the package from us --


NEWMAN: -- because Syria -- excuse me Iran, their partner --

CALLER: Right:

NEWMAN: -- said, you know, “There's no way.” And I think they're going to say no again. Now, I see what you're saying, [caller]. I'm gonna follow along with you here, but there's a problem with this. Because he's [Bush] doing this in secret, and now it's out in the open. And he made a promise to us on 9-12, 2001 --

CALLER: Right.

NEWMAN: -- and he made that promise, [caller], under oath --

CALLER: Right. I know.

NEWMAN: -- and I have a real -- I have an issue with that.

CALLER: I -- you and me both. I would like to know exactly what's going on --

NEWMAN: Right.

CALLER: -- but I know there's a lot of things -- they're not allowed, you know, if they say too much, they're gonna get too much going on --


CALLER: -- or somebody's going to find out --

NEWMAN: Right.

CALLER: -- and then it's gonna blow the deal up.

NEWMAN: Agreed.

CALLER: You know, I know we got these other ones up here that are living in Detroit and others -- you got snipers down there shooting people on the freeway in Indiana.

NEWMAN: Yeah, you wonder who did that. Yeah, they're trying to catch that guy.

CALLER: Yeah, yeah. Right. Well, we know -- go to Dearborn, you know.

NEWMAN: Yeah, Dearborn has the largest Lebanese-American population in the country.


NEWMAN: And fortunately, [caller], our FBI is working very hard in Dearborn, if you get my drift.