GQ Rand Paul Story Takes Another Twist

First, GQ ran a story on Rand Paul that included an anonymous woman's claim that he and a fraternity brother had taken her from her home and forced her to take drugs back in college.

Paul denied the allegations, calling them “bordering on ridiculous.”

Now The Washington Post's Greg Sargent writes that he interviewed the woman, who says it wasn't quite how the magazine reported it:

The woman -- who was made available to me for an interview by GQ reporter Jason Zengerle in response to the Paul campaign's denunciations of his article -- said she didn't mean to imply that she was kidnapped “in a legal sense.”

“The whole thing has been blown out of proportion,” she told me. “They didn't force me, they didn't make me. They were creating this drama: `We're messing with you.'”

So who is to blame? Paul, GQ, the woman? Can't wait to see what comes next.