Helen Thomas' Israel Comments Have Repercussions

Helen Thomas' controversial remarks about Israel have gotten her dropped by a speakers bureau and disinvited from a high school graduation, according to reports.

In the comments, posted online by Rabbilive.com, the legendary White House scribe and current Hearst Newspapers columnist says about Israel: “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.”

See it below:

Since the video hit the web this past weekend, Nine Speakers Inc. has dropped her and a high school graduation in Bethesda, Md., has disinvited her.

“It is with a heavy heart that Nine Speakers, Inc. announces its resignation as the agent for Helen Thomas, Dean of the White House Press Corps.,” the agency said in a statement, according to Craig Crawford of CQ Politics. “Ms. Thomas has had an esteemed career as a journalist, and she has been a trailblazer for women, helping others in her profession, and beyond. However, in light of recent events, Nine Speakers is no longer able to represent Ms. Thomas, nor can we condone her comments on the Middle East. Nine Speakers will continue to enthusiastically represent all of our other current and future clients.”

Crawford said on his post he agreed with the move and would no longer be working with Thomas.

The White House Correspondents Association, meanwhile, is considering what action it might take, according to MediaBistro.com, which is also conducting a poll on the issue.