KCOL's James called “mak[ing] Colorado Media Matters” a “feather for” guest's cap

On his November 15 broadcast, Fox News Radio 600 KCOL host Scott James claimed to “love having” guest Dan Gainor, who works for the conservative Media Research Center (MRC), on his program, “because every time we do, well, we make Colorado Media Matters.” James said that such a mention would be a “feather for [Gainor's] cap” -- but contrary to his statement, Colorado Media Matters has not previously noted a Gainor appearance on Ride Home with The James Gang.

Gainor is director of the Business & Media Institute, a division of the MRC. Media Matters for America has noted numerous instances in which MRC founder and president L. Brent Bozell III and the MRC blog NewsBusters have provided conservative misinformation.

James and Gainor were discussing global warming and the Kyoto Protocol, also known as the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

From the November 15 broadcast of Fox News Radio 600 KCOL's Ride Home with The James Gang:

GAINOR: According to measures that, you know, that both sides use -- or all sides use, I guess I should say -- the Earth's temperatures warmed a little bit more than a degree in the last hundred years. OK. It's warmed a little bit more than a degree. I'm happy to acknowledge that. It doesn't mean mankind did it. It doesn't mean that we can do anything about it or should. And it doesn't mean that the solutions that the left proposes would accomplish anything. The much-ballyhooed -- how often do you get to say “ballyhooed” on the radio?

JAMES: It's a good word. Yeah.

GAINOR: The much-ballyhooed Kyoto treaty, that would -- so that they complained, “Oh, Bush has pulled out of the Kyoto treaty” -- which is a complete and utter lie. Clinton never proposed it to the Senate, 'cause he knew they'd reject it. But the much, the Kyoto treaty would have -- for the cost of somewhere between $200 and $400 billion a year and, oh, 1.1 million to 4.9 million lost jobs -- for that cost it would have altered the Earth's temperature one-tenth of one degree per year. So essentially, let's destroy the American economy and accomplish not much.

JAMES: Dan Gainor is the director of the Business & Media Institute. Dan, we love having you on, because every time we do, well, we make Colorado Media Matters. [laughs] That'll make ya happy. There's a feather for your cap, Dan.