Kentucky Paper Tallies Rand Paul 'Controversial Views'

The Louisville Courier-Journal has published a lengthy report this week reviewing what it describes as Republican Senatorial Candidate Rand Paul's “long history of making unconventional comments about social programs, housing discrimination, military spending and limiting the role of government.”

“A Courier-Journal review of two-dozen public appearances by the Bowling Green eye surgeon since 1998 shows that Paul has condemned Medicare as' socialism;' denounced seat-belt and anti-smoking laws as 'Nanny-state' paternalism; called for voluntary, rather than mandatory, accommodation of people with disabilities; and suggested using satellites to monitor America's borders for illegal immigrants,” the story notes.

It adds: “Zealously advocating for free-market economics, he also has criticized private health insurance, saying it keeps patients from negotiating lower prices with their doctors.”

The paper also posted a slew of videos showing some of Paul's most controversial comments, including the clip below about his view of immigration control: