The Onion Puts BP In Perspective

As usual, The Onion puts a great spin on, well, the BP spin. Noting numerous times in one story how the company has used its [B.S.] efforts to spin the horrible Guilf Oil leak, it puts a great perspective on how badly the oil giant has handled things.

See the first two graphs below, with one word edited for content. After all, this is a family website.

LONDON--As the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico entered its eighth week Wednesday, fears continued to grow that the massive flow of [B.S.] still gushing from the headquarters of oil giant BP could prove catastrophic if nothing is done to contain it.

The toxic [B.S.], which began to spew from the mouths of BP executives shortly after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in April, has completely devastated the Gulf region, delaying cleanup efforts, affecting thousands of jobs, and endangering the lives of all nearby wildlife.