PETA Wants a Vegetarian White House Correspondents Dinner

A vegan White House Correspondents Association Dinner? Don't count on it.

But that is what the folks at PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) are seeking.

In a letter to the WHCA, which is holding the annual event Saturday night, PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman writes: “On behalf of PETA and our more than 2 million members and supporters, we commend you for trying to make this year's White House Correspondents' Association dinner the 'most eco-friendly' one ever. But to truly 'go green,' you will need to ditch the meat- and dairy-heavy menu and serve delicious, Earth- and animal-friendly vegan meals instead.”

A menu change at this late date is unlikely. Still, PETA plans to have protesters outside of the Washington Hilton to greet guests as they enter for the star-studded affair.

See the entire letter below:

Julia Whiston

Executive Director

White House Correspondents' Association

Dear Ms. Whiston,

On behalf of PETA and our more than 2 million members and supporters, we commend you for trying to make this year's White House Correspondents' Association dinner the “most eco-friendly” one ever. But to truly “go green,” you will need to ditch the meat- and dairy-heavy menu and serve delicious, Earth- and animal-friendly vegan meals instead.

Asking your members and guests to carpool and drive hybrids is a great start, but the benefits of these measures are largely canceled out by the beef, fish, and dairy products on your menu. As you may know, a 2006 United Nations report called raising animals for food “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.” A major report by the University of Chicago found that adopting a vegan diet has a greater impact in the fight against climate change than switching to a hybrid car. The official handbook for Live Earth, the anti-climate change concert series that Al Gore helped organize, states that not eating meat is the “single most effective thing you can do” to reduce your impact on climate change. Commercial fishing and fish farms are no better; enormous fishing boats have had an extremely negative impact on our oceans' biodiversity, and fish farms poison aquatic ecosystems with huge amounts of chemical-laced fecal waste.

In addition to trashing our planet, the meat and dairy industries cause enormous animal suffering. Chickens, fish, cows, and pigs feel pain and fear just as the animals we share our homes with do, yet they are abused in ways that would be illegal if dogs or cats were the victims. Chickens and turkeys have their throats cut while they're still conscious, piglets have their tails and testicles cut off without being given any painkillers, fish suffocate or are cut open while they're still alive on the decks of fishing boats, and mother cows have their calves taken away almost immediately after birth so that the milk meant for the calves can be sold.

Please let me know that you'll serve Earth-friendly food at this year's dinner. We'd be happy to assist you in any way, including providing you with delicious gourmet vegan recipes. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Tracy Reiman

Executive Vice President