Peter Boyles agreed with false claim that the Daily Camera never publishes the word “illegal” before the word “immigrants”

On his radio show, Peter Boyles agreed with Lafayette Councilman Kerry Bensman's false claim that “the Boulder Daily Camera ... will never put 'illegal' in front of the word 'immigrants.' ” But a search of the articles on the Daily Camera website reveals numerous articles that refer specifically to “illegal immigrants.”

On his June 29 KHOW-AM broadcast, Peter Boyles agreed with Lafayette Councilman Kerry Bensman's false claim that “the Boulder Daily Camera .... will never put 'illegal' in front of the word 'immigrants.' ” Responding to Bensman's assertion, Boyles said, “Never.” However, a search of the articles on the Daily Camera website for the one-week period of June 23-29 revealed two Daily Camera articles and one editorial that referred specifically to “illegal immigrants.”

The exchange occurred during a discussion of the special session of the Colorado General Assembly dealing with illegal immigration. Bensman stated: “You have the Boulder Daily Camera -- right -- the Republic of Boulder running articles about the Boulder Valley School District's challenges in dealing with Hispanic-speaking immigrants. By the way, they will never put 'illegal' in front of the word 'immigrants.' ” Bensman apparently was referring to a June 26 Daily Camera article that referred broadly to “new immigrants from Mexico” and “recent immigrants” without specifying whether those immigrants were in the country legally. However, in other coverage of immigration issues, the Daily Camera has repeatedly referred specifically to “illegal immigrants.”

On June 29, the Daily Camera published an article titled "Boulder legislators skeptical of session." The article referred specifically to “illegal immigrants” twice, “illegal immigration” twice, and “illegal-immigrant girls” once. For example, the article reported that “Rep. Jack Pommer, D-Boulder, said lawmakers this year already cracked down on human trafficking and state contracts with companies that knowingly hire illegal immigrants.”

A June 25 Daily Camera editorial, titled "Immigration chess," stated: “It's a little ironic that Colorado Republican lawmakers are fuming over the state Supreme Court's June 12 decision to throw out a proposed ballot initiative that would deny most state services to illegal immigrants.”

On June 23, a Daily Camera article with the headline "Special session sought" stated, “The referendum would have denied most state services to illegal immigrants.”

From the June 29 broadcast of KHOW-AM's The Peter Boyles Show:

BOYLES: I don't put much faith and trust in [Speaker of the Colorado House] Andrew Romanoff [D-Denver].

BENSMAN: No, but I thought -- I think [former Gov. Richard] Lamm thought maybe by doing this he could make that happen. But it got out of control because now people -- I know some of -- I live in Boulder County, and I know some of the most liberal folks you'd ever want to see, OK? They were going to vote for this initiative. They were so incensed about illegal immigration they were going to vote for it.


BENSMAN: You have the Boulder Daily Camera -- right --the Republic of Boulder running articles about the Boulder Valley School District's challenges in dealing with Hispanic-speaking immigrants. By the way, they will never put “illegal” in front of the word “immigrants.”

BOYLES: Never.

BENSMAN: OK. You have the Rocky Mountain News running their series.

BOYLES: Yeah, and that was ridiculous.

BENSMAN: You have the hospitals trying to crack down on nonpaying patients for elective procedures. You have the school districts in trouble.

And then I think what happened was they saw that the Supreme Court could be term-limited, which was one of their biggest fears.