Question: Has Lanny Davis ever read conservative blogs?

I ask because Davis publishes a tsk-tsk column today in The Hill in which he scolds liberal blogger Markos Moulitsas for making a factual error.

Now, I'm all for fact-checking, and as Davis points out, Moulitsas dutifully corrected his mistake. But it's monumentally comical for Davis to spend an entire column lecturing bloggers about how they have to be more vigilant about their fact-checking (they need to be “100 percent accurate”) without setting aside even a single sentence to note that, oh yeah, the conservative blogosphere today is pretty much fueled by purposeful lies and “mistakes.”

Davis's approach is so typical of the Beltway elites: Liberal bloggers (rightfully so) are held to a high standard of accuracy and fair play. Yet conservative bloggers can make up and post whatever BS they want, and Villagers like Davis don't so boo.

UPDATED: I see Davis is also a contributor for the esteemed publication NewsMax. Given that fact, how Davis can lecture anybody about accuracy is beyond me.